
Bootcamp with Brenda

How to Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn to Support a Successful Job Search. Designed for the Experience Rich (age ~40+, 50+, 60+) 

In just three months, go from feeling overwhelmed and hesitant about how to correctly leverage LinkedIn while working and looking for a new job, to feeling empowered and confident.


If you’re experience rich (age ~40+, 50+, 60+) and looking for a job while working a fulltime job, you already know that you need to use LinkedIn. But you might be concerned about setting off "red flags" along the way.

If you're reading this, you want to *QUIETLY* level up your LinkedIn presence to support your job search.

The good news? I'm here to help you! 

This course is designed especially for you if you are:

  • Motivated to find a new job in 2024  even while working!

  • Sick of the "black hole" of job search, which is soul-sucking and mood-crushing, where you apply to numerous jobs with little or no responses, and spend hours filling out online job applications trying to get through the ATS (applicant tracking system) but you're barely getting any interviews

  • Intrigued about how to use LinkedIn in "Stealth" mode, but admittedly not sure if you're doing things the right way, and don't know who to ask or where to turn

  • Exhausted from spending hours Googling answers to LinkedIn questions, and watching YouTube videos that aren't answering your specific concerns

  • Feeling overwhelmed because you haven't had to look for a job for years (maybe even decades!) and the job search process has changed dramatically

  • Fed up with looking for a job. Maybe it's been MONTHS since you started looking and you're not getting any interviews, and you want a different approach and a way to empower yourself for the rest of your career. 

You're in the right place!

By the end of this program,

you will have…


  • An Optimized LinkedIn Profile

    You'll have all the important areas filled out with all the right information, leading more hiring managers and recruiters to find you on LinkedIn without alerting your current employer that you're looking!

  • A Strong, Active LinkedIn Network Full of Strategic Connections

    You'll be empowered with knowledge to make more connections and get more conversations started  before and after you apply for jobs.

  • An Improved LinkedIn Presence

    People who have never seen you will see you in their homepage feed. Your profile will be viewed more often, and you will be confident about your experiences and your overall profile.

  • Knowledge on How to Use LinkedIn as a Resource

    No longer will you be relying on responses to job postings. You'll gain insights to supplement your current job search process as well as receive tips to improve your odds for positions that appeal to you. You'll move from feeling disregarded to empowered. 

  • A Powerful Personal Brand Online

    You'll understand what your personal brand is, how it's important to your job search, and how to evolve your LinkedIn presence throughout your career to position your experience-rich background as an asset. 

Enroll in "Bootcamp with Brenda" Today

Enroll Today! Pick a Payment Option:

One-Time Payment



12 Monthly Payments

$97 each


3 Monthly Payments

$347 each


"To anyone looking to step up their LinkedIn profile and get noticed, there is no better coach than Brenda Meller.

Whether it be 1-1 coaching, exciting live webinars, in-demand speaker, individual training, or "LinkedIn" Bootcamps. Though my voice may be loud in praise, it is muffled by the thousands of people shouting about how she has taken them under her wing and coached them to success."

What’s Inside "Bootcamp with Brenda


Module 1: 

Personal Branding + Optimizing Your Profile to Support Your Job Search 

Description: In this module, you'll learn the steps to achieve a fully optimized LinkedIn profile, one that will generate more profile views by recruiters and hiring managers as well as keep the right people reading your profile longer. I've also included tips to help you QUIETLY build your profile if you're working but looking for a new job.

Lessons include:

  • What is Your Personal Brand + Why Optimize Your Profile?
    Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile: WHY + Pro Tips to Position Yourself in the Best Light
  • Headshot Photo
  • Header / Background Image
  • Headline
  • Contact Info
  • About
  • Experience
  • Skills
  • Education
  • And more!
Module 2:

How to Strategically GROW Your LinkedIn Network for Job Search

Description: In this module, you'll learn how to build your network strategically to find more of the right people on LinkedIn, get more invitations accepted, and use a technique to screen in invitations from people you don't know, and more. 

Lessons include:

  • The Power of LinkedIn: Your Connections
  • How (and Why) Personalized Invitations can improve your job search success
  • Screening In Invitations
  • Invitation Strategies: Avoid Automation (Why), People Who Engage, Ignore (I Don't Know)
  • And more!
Module 3:

Finding a Job on LinkedIn: The Obvious, the Hidden, the Resources

Description: There is more than one way to find jobs on LinkedIn, and there are even ways of using LinkedIn as a resource throughout your job search, especially if you are working a fulltime job AND job searching! In this module, I'll teach you my secrets to getting the most out of the "Job" tab, as well as ways of finding jobs across LinkedIn (HINT: they aren't all in the JOBS tab!), and how I recommend you use LinkedIn as a resource for all job search activities. 

Lessons include:

  • OBVIOUS: Increasing Your Visibility for Posted Jobs
  • HIDDEN: Finding Jobs on LinkedIn (Not in "Jobs" tab)
  • RESOURCES: Leveraging LinkedIn during Your Job Search
  • And more!
Module 4:

Network Engagement and Posting to Support Your Job Search

Description: Now that you've got an optimized profile, you're growing a powerful LinkedIn network and you're tapping into resources to help support the job search, I'll teach you how to supercharge your visibility through networking engagement and posting. 

Lessons include:

  • The ROI of Spending 15+ Minutes in the Homepage Everyday
  • Posting Basics: How, When, What
  • Ideas for Posts for Job Seekers -- even if you're working while looking for a new career
  • Finding Opportunities Using Posts
  • And more!

"Whether you're in between successes, a career rich individual struggling with your next career move, or wanting to expand your LinkedIn network, Brenda IS your resource for using LinkedIn to support your job search.


Always willing to make introductions, suggest profile edits, and simply offer support, Brenda helps you raise your own roof!"

When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you'll get: 

Bootcamp with Brenda

(A $2,188 Value)


  • 4 Educational Modules

    I'll guide you through the process of optimizing your time and results to support your job search using LinkedIn -- including tips for you if you're working but QUIETLY looking for a new role. I've taken all the guesswork out of it for you, to help you through what you need to do first, next, and ongoing.

  • Online Videos

    Through step-by-step videos, I'll guide you every step of the way. Once a module opens, you'll be able to watch the videos again and again!

  • Downloadable Checklists to Support Your Learning

    I'll take the guesswork out of what you need to do by providing you with checklists to help you assess what you need to do and in what order. Plus, I'll provide you with sample scripts and examples so you're not starting from scratch. I got you!

  • Members-Only LinkedIn Group

    To help you network with fellow members -- and to keep new resource announcements at your fingertips! -- I've created a private, unlisted Members-Only LinkedIn Group that you can join as soon as you enroll.

  • Lifetime Access with Online Updates

    When you enroll in Bootcamp with Brenda, you'll get lifetime access to the course content. That means if (when!) LinkedIn changes a feature, I'll be sure to update the course.

"Last year, I enrolled in her inaugural Bootcamp with the intention of elevating my presence on LinkedIn, and it was an incredibly rewarding investment.

Under Brenda's expert tutelage and guidance, I was able to implement what I learned each week, taking immediate action to enhance my LinkedIn strategy.


And, the resources provided during the Bootcamp continue to be invaluable to me—I frequently revisit the materials to reinforce my understanding and review key concepts."

AND -- These Amazing Bonuses!

Bootcamp with Brenda - BONUSES

(A $2,941 Value)


    3 Months of Live, Private Group Coaching (2x/month, 6 sessions) April through June 2024

    To help you keep up with online course instruction, our Private Group Coaching Calls provide you access to a live person -- ME! Brenda Meller. You'll have the opportunity to join our private group coaching for the first three months, twice a month, for a total of 6 sessions. ($1,794 Value)

    Welcome Event: Making the Most of Bootcamp with Brenda - Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 11am - Noon ET

    Join me in this live, virtual, private kickoff event where I'll walk you through the course navigation, bonuses, checklists, and more. Can't make it live? You'll have access to the playback. ($299 Value)

  • BONUS #3: 
    The Meller Marketing Career Strategy Worksheet

    Whereas your resume is your work history, your Career Strategy helps to map out where you want to go next. My easy-to-use worksheet gives you the opportunity to fill-in-the-blanks and modify as your job search evolves. Once completed, you've got a resource that can be used to guide the conversation during informational interviews and chats with your network about your job search goals. ($349 Value)

  • BONUS #4:
    The Meller Marketing Bootcamp Job Search Tracker Worksheet

    Struggling with keeping track of job applications? I provide you with my custom-created Job Search Tracker Worksheet, to help you easily keep track of applications and what's next. ($499 Value)

Total Value of Bonuses: $2,941


When you add it all up, that’s a value of $5,129

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just: $997!

Enroll in "Bootcamp with Brenda" Today

Enroll Today! Pick a Payment Option:

One-Time Payment



12 Monthly Payments

$97 each


3 Monthly Payments

$347 each


Frequently Asked Questions

Still thinking about it?


Bootcamp with Brenda is PERFECT for you if you want to overcome any (or all!) of the following:

  • Fear of doing LinkedIn "the wrong way"
  • Fear of setting off any “red flags” about your job search to your bosses, coworkers, or clients
  • Fear of embarrassment
  • Fear of tech overwhelm
  • Fear of being vulnerable
  • Fear of not knowing what to do first, next, and in the right order


Enroll in "Bootcamp with Brenda" Today

Enroll Today! Pick a Payment Option:

One-Time Payment



12 Monthly Payments

$97 each


3 Monthly Payments

$347 each


"Brenda's Bootcamp taught me a wealth of information about LinkedIn and how to optimize LinkedIn in my job search.


She provides not just tips but also shows you how the tips can be applied to maximize success for your specific situation."

Risk-Free 7-Day Guarantee

If you do the work, and you're not satisfied, show me your results within 7 days of Module 1 launch and I'll gladly give you a refund.

To request a refund:

  • Complete your career strategy worksheet (BONUS 3: The Meller Marketing Career Strategy Worksheet)
  • Complete the checklist from Module 1 (M1-1 Your LinkedIn Profile Starter Checklist)
  • Email these completed materials to [email protected] before 11:55 am ET within 7 days of enrollment with the subject line "Bootcamp with Brenda Refund Request"
  • Complete watching all lessons in Module 1 by watching and clicking "Mark as Complete"

I can’t wait for you to join "Bootcamp with Brenda"

I created this course especially for people who are working but looking for a new job using LinkedIn, who are experience rich (aka, age ~40+, 50+, 60+). I've worked with thousands of job seekers like you over the past 10 years, and I'm thrilled to tap into my LinkedIn knowledge and help you. 

Remember: you found this course for a reason. And I'd be honored to help you! 

Keep in mind that this opportunity is risk free. Give it a try and if you're not completely convinced, you can cancel for a 100% refund as long as you show me that you've tried the work. 

Still on the fence? Email me at [email protected] and tell me your questions or concerns. I'm here for you, and I believe in you! 

Brenda Meller

Enroll in "Bootcamp with Brenda" Today

Enroll Today! Pick a Payment Option:

One-Time Payment



12 Monthly Payments

$97 each


3 Monthly Payments

$347 each


"Brenda Meller is a brand building and LinkedIn genius.


With her guidance, I was able to enhance my brand, improve my profile, and meet the most supportive people along the way."