Online Programs with Brenda Meller






Upcoming LIVE Webinars

Bootcamp with Brenda 

Experience rich (age ~ 40+, 50+, 60+)  and looking for a job, but find yourself needing help using LinkedIn for job search? Enroll anytime.

Enroll Now

The Recipe for Social Selling on LinkedIn

Improve Your Visibility and Generate Leads on LinkedIn as a Coach, Consultant, Speaker &/or Author. Doors open again tentatively in Fall 2024.

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Marketing with Meller

Wish you had access to expert marketing advice and resources? You're not alone! Doors open again in Summer 2024. 

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Company Page Masterclass

Want to build your brand and generate leads through your LinkedIn Company Page? We will be launching a new masterclass soon.


Video Reviews Wanted!

Are you a member of one of our programs?

  • Bootcamp with Brenda
  • The Recipe for Social Selling on LinkedIn
  • Marketing with Meller

Has Brenda Meller helped you through your experience in one of these programs? We'd love to hear from you! Follow the link below to give us a video review.

 Last updated: June 12, 2024