
Want to Grow Your Business? Ask Your Clients for Testimonials. linkedin for business development linkedin recommendation sales social proof social selling testimonials Mar 01, 2023

Want to grow your business? Ask your clients for their help.

Think about what I like to call the "trade show table" effect. Imagine you're at a trade show and you see a table. Nobody (except the salesperson) is at the table. They seem eager to make eye contact, and you try to nonchalantly...

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Tired of Automated Invitation Requests? Try These 4 Responses. automation linkedin tips messages social selling Jun 01, 2021

We all get them. Those LinkedIn invitations that include a message. At first glance, you might think it was written just for you. But at a closer look, you can tell it was written for anyone.

Here's a sampling of invitation requests sitting in my inbox right now waiting for my acceptance,...

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