
Want to Expand Your LinkedIn Reach? Remember this: Choose GREEN to be SEEN. linkedin linkedin public profile visibility linkedin reach linkedin search results linkedin settings linkedin visibility Mar 14, 2023

From a network contact:

"I realized that due to my settings, my posts on LinkedIn were only being shown to my connections. I opened to the public setting. Now people in HR all over the country are trying to connect with me. You know your stuff!"


I received this email from a client...

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Did You Know Your LinkedIn Photo Might Not be Visible? Check it NOW! headshot photo linkedin for business development linkedin photo linkedin settings Oct 10, 2022

Hey, you. Yes, you. Did you know that your LinkedIn headshot photo may not be visible to everyone on LinkedIn?


"So what!" you reply. 


Well, if people cannot see your photo, they may assume:

  • It's not really you - but someone posing as you
  • Your account is fake, or a bot
  • You...
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